Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tagged by Stacy

My friend Stacy tagged me on Monday, so here goes. Facts about me in 4`s:

4 shows I like to watch:

1. Brothers and Sisters
2. Lost
3. 19 Kids and Counting
4. The Forgotten

4 things I`m passionate about:

1. Healthy food
2. Twilight
3. Scrapbooking
4. Not allowing Aidan to hit

4 phrases I say a lot:

1. Stay out of the dishwasher.
2. Did you go poo-poo?
3. Drink your milk.
4. Go find your lion.

4 things I have learned from the past:

1. Hug your grandparents.
2. Wear shoes if you have a little one who scatters his toys around.
3. Mama always says you get more with honey than with vinegar, and she's right.
4. Count to five(sometimes 10) before you discipline your child.

4 places I would like to go:

1. Italy
2. France
3. Hawaii
4. Spain

4 things I did yesterday:

1. Talked to my friend Heather
2. Ate grilled chicken and rice and green beans for dinner
3. Watched Lost
4. Played with my dog

4 things I'm looking forward to:

1. Bryan's graduation
2. Warmer weather
3. Eclipse
4. Aidan`s birthday party

4 things I love about winter:

1. SNOW!! (on the rare occasion that we get it)
2. Jackson`s birthday
3. Ashley`s birthday
4. Mama`s birthday

4 things on my wish list:

1. whirlpool bathtub
2. A yukon hybrid
3. trip to the beach
4. new dining room table

4 friends to tag:

1. Laci
2. Melissa Smith
3. Christi Mayo
4. Lacey Costner


Laci said...

Kelly, I'm finally getting around to doing this, haha. But could ya please do me a fava, and take off my last name? Thanks. :)

Stacy Pettersen said...

I love how all of your phrases are aimed at Aidan (though maybe you have to say some of those to Bryan too! lol!). Awesome read!!!

When's Aidan's birthday party? I hope we can come this year!