Friday, February 12, 2010

Inspired By Cousins

Two of my cousins recently did posts on internet and blogging safety and keeping our kids safe in the digital world. They had a lot of good tips on how to do this and links to a lot of great articles about these topics. Since I would like to keep my blog public as long as possible, there are changes that I'll have to make on here. I'll remove our last name until I decide to go private, so if anyone has suggestions for blog names that don`t include any of our names at all, then I'd love to hear them. I'd also love your thoughts on blogging safety. The last thing is something that one of my cousins mentioned in her post about this, and that is to please not use our last name in any blog posts or on a list of blog links or give out any of our personal information. I'm pretty sure that I don`t have to worry about that, but you can never be too careful. Thsnks for understanding, and thanks you two for your blog posts. Now if there was a way to be safer on Facebook. I hate that I get friend requests all the time from people I don`t know.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Blogging Funk

It has been a while since I blogged. A lot has happened, some good, some not fun, and some sad. I`m trying to sort through pictures that I want to post, so bear with me.