Sunday, March 15, 2009


This week`s events:

Week was relatively normal until Wednesday night, when Aidan didn`t eat well...very unusual for him. Thursday was no different, he only drank milk and was not at all interested in solid food. So after his lunch bottle, I carried him into the kitchen and was about to clean up his face and wash the bottle, when he throws up everywhere and on both of us. I had to set him down on the floor to clean it up, and he cried and cried because he wanted to be held. I was watching three kids then, so Bryan had to come and get Aidan and take him home, while I disinfected everything Aidan had touched that day. He didn`t throw up again, but he has had about ten bad diapers for the last every day for the last three days. So last night, when there are no signs of it letting up, I call a pharmacist that we go to church with and ask what he thinks about Imodium for a ten month old. He says no Imodium for a child under two, and tells me some things we can try, and says he recommends having him looked at. So we all head off to the urgent care at about 7:30, and there is a four hour wait. We haven`t had dinner, and Aidan is going back and forth between clingy, happy and irritable. I`m freaked out because I`m a first timer, I know nothing about this type of thing(thanks Jill and Rachael, for the advice) and I`m trying not to meltdown between my semi-dehydrated child, whose weight I`m worried about, because he has not gained easily over the last ten months. Thankfully it took less than four hours, and the doctor said he had gastroenteritis, and then couldn`t make up her mind whether or not he needed an x-ray to see if air and gas were trapped in his stomach. So we were sent home with a cranky tired baby, a prescription to treat a bad diaper rash, and instructions to make him drink as much as we could. This morning, after he was awake half the night screaming(again, completely unusual for him)he is still going through the diapers, though not as much, so maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.